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Quesnel General Meetings for April 25th & 26th

Kiel reviewed old business. All in favor

Cody reviewed the grievance report. Announced the dates for the shop/safety steward training and how we would be paying members that are missing work. All in favor.

Dan spoke about the 8 bursaries that the local gave out to the schools in the community, these bursaries will be announced June 7, 2019. The local will continue to do these bursaries every year and look forward to improving on getting the information out sooner so students have more time to bid on them.

Dan also reviewed the OHSC report from Cory, mill conveyors getting shoveled out properly, dust from the piles, working alone, weld shop ventilation, and entering shovel and drill down areas are all being discussed. Water issues in the pit and eye wash station locations were brought up, this will be passed onto Cory.

Cody reviewed Daniels financial report. All in favor. New Business: Member mentioned that the vacation hours are not matching what is on their paystubs.

Cody mentioned the incentive program and whether the local should continue to do this. Cody also mentioned the union jackets and the vote that will be at the next meetings.

Cody mentioned the $500 donation to Gaston Plante who Retirement.

Cody made a motion for Boyd Mader for undue hardship due to travel because the maternity ward being shut down in Williams Lake. Motion for second recording secretary to be added to the executive was voted down. Motion for Roxy to receive $1000 for her undue hardship was voted on. Meeting adjourned.